Forged by rage. Taken as a child and trained in the ways of the Sith, he became the apprentice to the greatest evil the galaxy has ever known... Honed by the dark side. After years of plotting in secrecy, he and his Master will take revenge on the Jedi Order--and the once-mighty Republic will tremble... The savage story of Darth Maul has been shrouded in mystery--until now.
This is the Star Wars book you're looking for. If you want to comprehend the epic and intricate Star Wars saga, this is the ebook for you.
The starfighter's comm system cycled through every response frequency. He waited some more. “Emergency Code Nine Thirteen. This is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Repeat: Emergency Code Nine Thirteen. Are there any Jedi out there?” He waited.
The Emperor.
Collects the first three books in the Star Wars series, offering a glimpse of how Anakin Skywalker became aware of his power and turned to the dark side.
Follows Anakin Skywalker as he struggles with his duty as a Jedi Knight and his role as the secret husband of Senator Padme Amidala, and chronicles the creation of Darth Vader and the birth of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.
- A handmade Arts & Crafts maple-wood case (24" long x 13" high x 15" wide) holds both book chambers This landmark collection of images represents a unique opportunity for collectors and cinephiles to obtain a superbly crafted artifact of ...
This book demonstrates that the Star Wars multiverse is not just a stage for thrilling interstellar battles, but also an exciting space for interpretation and discovery.
However, like any fiction, it must also be viewed--and consequently analyzed--as a product of the culture which created it. The essays in this book analyze the Star Wars trilogies as a culturally and historically specific phenomenon.
“People say to me that they could never see Threepio (no pun intended!) as anything other than the neurotic, terror-laden personality I helped to create. But if they'd been presented with a heavymetal punk machine, and then someone else ...
While Luke Skywalker is learning about the Force from Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo struggles with the decision to join the Alliance, Leia helps run the rebellion, and Mara Jade is doing the Emperor's dirty work and avoiding Darth Vader.