I wish to keep a record is the first book to focus exclusively on the life-course experiences of nineteenth-century New Brunswick women. Gail G. Campbell offers an interpretive scholarly analysis of 28 women's diaries while enticing readers to listen to the voices of the diarists.
I wish to keep a record is the first book to focus exclusively on the life-course experiences of nineteenth-century New Brunswick women.
ISBN 978-0-8020-9408-7 (paper) Andrew Parnaby, Citizen Docker: Making a New Deal on the Vancouver Waterfront, 1919–1939, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8020-9056-0 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-8020-9384-4 (paper) J.I. Little, Loyalties in Conflict: A Canadian ...
Dvoretsky, M., “The Feeling for Danger” in New in Chess 8/85, p.44. ... Second Piatigorsky Cup, Dover, New York 1968, p.97-98. . Karpov, A. & Roshal, A., Chess ... Dvoretsky, M., Secrets of Chess Training, Batsford, London 1991, p.16.
... The Knotted Subject: Hysteria and Its Discontents: “Feminist scholars such as Helene Cixous, Catherine Clément, and Christina Von Braun ... have invoked a return to the question of hysteria as a means to discuss the exclusion of the ...
... objected to hiring student researchers, the project employed many graduate students in history as summer researchers.62 This helped launch the careers of many young scholars of the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Allan Greer, ...
Experienced chess player and writer Angus Dunnington takes a look at why the good, the bad and the indifferent all make errors, from small positional misjudgements to simply leaving a queen en prise.
One of the key points to emerge from the volume asa whole is that no generalization about gender has applied to alltimes or all places.
Excerpt from History of the Lemen Family, of Illinois, Virginia and Elsewhere: With Gallery of Portraits, Biographical Sketches and Genealogical Tables; In Two Parts I wish to urge all to whom a volume of this book may come to keep a record ...
This work is a major contribution to the study of early modern orphanages."—H-Net Reviews "Superbly executed study."—Margaret L. King, American Historical Review "Important contribution to the history of early modern Europe."—Journal ...
Award-winning novelist Samuel R. Delany has written a book for creative writers to place alongside E. M. Forster’s Aspects of the Novel and Lajos Egri’s Art of Dramatic Writing.