An innovative and important contribution to Indigenous research approaches, this revised second edition provides a framework for conducting Indigenous methodologies, serving as an entry point to learn more broadly about Indigenous research.
The book comes replete with traditional textbook features such as key points, exercises, and suggested readings, which makes it ideally suited for graduate courses in research methods, especially in education, health, women's studies, ...
This essential volume explores intersections of imperialism and research - specifically, the ways in which imperialism is embedded in disciplines of knowledge and tradition as 'regimes of truth.
A kinder and gentler tyranny.Westport, CT: Praeger. Roberts, P. D. (2007). The return of the Robber Barons. Counterpunch. Retrieved from http://www Ross, J. (2006, April 17).
This book addresses the conceptualization and practice of Indigenous research methodologies especially in Sámi and North European academic contexts.
This book describes a research paradigm shared by Indigenous scholars in Canada and Australia, and demonstrates how this paradigm can be put into practice. Relationships don’t just shape Indigenous reality, they are our reality.
Raising consciousness of the struggles of oppressed Indigenous peoples throughout the world has been an intensely ... In "The Context of the State of Nature," James Youngblood (a.k.a. Sakej) Henderson maps the contours of the false ...
Ivison, D., P. Patton, and W. Sanders, eds. 2000. Political theory and the rights of Indigenous peoples. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Jackson, N. O. 2008. Educational attainment and the (growing) importance of age ...
What might be gained from reading Native literatures from global rather than exclusively local perspectives of Indigenous struggle?
This volume makes a significant contribution to Indigenous community as well as institutional scholarly and practical discussions by emphasizing guidance and questions from Indigenous scholars who are designing studies and conducting ...
Drawing on treaties, international law, the work of other Indigenous scholars, and especially personal experiences, Marie Battiste documents the nature of Eurocentric models of education, and their devastating impacts on Indigenous ...