Falsehood and Fallacy emphasizes that in our politically divided landscape, we all need to be able to read and research more critically in order to make well-reasoned arguments.
... 188 Palestine (altars), 8 Palmer, A. S., 147 Palmer, F. W. M., 386 Palmistry, 16, 36 “Panama” hats, 316 Panthers, ... 433 Perrault, C, 84 Personality, human, 226 Perspective, false, 14, 15 Pestilence, 112 Peter, Saint, 224 Peter's, ...
Informal Logical Fallacies: A Brief Guide is a systematic and concise introduction to more than fifty logical fallacies. This revised edition includes updated examples, exercises, and a new chapter on non-Western logical fallacies.
Shannon Ethridge, best-selling Christian author, certified life coach, and advocate for healthy sexuality offers fascinating insights into common sexual thoughts such as: dating a much older man or much younger woman connecting with ...
Humbug!: The Skeptic's Field Guide to Spotting Fallacies in Thinking
Hosking, Geoffrey (2001), Russia and the Russians: A History, Penguin. Hostetler, John A. (1963), Amish Society, Johns Hopkins University Press (fourth edition, 1993). Howard, Albert (1940), An Agricultural Testament, Oxford University ...
Fair, witty appraisal of cranks, quacks, and quackeries of science and pseudoscience: hollow earth, Velikovsky, orgone energy, Dianetics, flying saucers, Bridey Murphy, food and medical fads, and much more.
In the author's point of view, a black swan is an improbable event with three principal characteristics - It is unpredictable; it carries a massive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation that makes it appear less random, and ...
This book is a crash course in effective reasoning, meant to catapult you into a world where you start to see things how they really are, not how you think they are.
There are many fallacious arguments in the dialogues of Plato.
Publisher's warning: In the wrong hands this book is dangerous. We recommend that you arm yourself with it whilst keeping out of the hands of others. Only buy this book as a gift if you are sure that you can trust the recipient.