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F25; and M. Ricketts and J. G. Seiling, 'Language, metaphors, and stories: catalysts for meaning making in organizations', ... See L. Sayles and C. Smith, The Rise of the Rogue Executive, Pearson Education, New Jersey, 2009.
Organizational Dynamics, 45(1):64–70, © 2016, Elsevier; 113 Pearson Education Inc.: Robbins, Stephen P., Judge Timothy A., Organizational Behaviours, 15th, © 2013. Printed and electonically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, ...
This book is particularly well-suited to short or introductory courses or those requiring a concise but broad introduction to organisational behaviour.
Organisational Behaviour
This Value Pack consists of Organisational Behaviour: Individuals, Groups and Organisation, 3/e by Brooks plus Organisational Behaviour: Individuals, Groups and Organisation/Management, 1/e; 1/e (ISBN: 9781405883443)
This Book Opens With The Appropriate Background On Current Practices Of People And Organization Behaviour And Then Flows From Micro And Macro Concepts Like 'E' Organization, Virtual Team, Empowerment, Emerging Issues, Indigenisation Of ...
Get the lowdown on OB – find out why understanding psychological and behavioural principles can be so important to success Find out what makes people tick – gain powerful insights into why individuals behave the way they do in the ...
Essentially a summary of organizational behaviour, which focuses on principles and methods, rather than on particular empirical studies or organizational techniques, this book incorporates conventional topics such as individual perception, ...
Exploring a wide-range of negative behaviors within organizations, the book addresses such topics as Intimate partner violence in the workplace Outsiders enacting violence against an employee Subtle and overt discrimination within ...
Dimensions of Organizational Behavior