A flagship marketing resource that provides an introduction to marketing concepts, strategies and practices with a balance of depth of coverage and ease of learning. Principles of Marketing keeps pace with a rapidly changing field, focussing on the ways brands create and capture consumer value. Practical content and linkage are at the heart of this edition. Real local and international examples bring ideas to life and new feature 'linking the concepts' helps students test and consolidate understanding as they go. The latest edition enhances understanding with a unique learning design including revised, integrative concept maps at the start of each chapter, end-of-chapter features summarising ideas and themes, a mix of mini and major case studies to illuminate concepts, and critical thinking exercises for applying skills. MyLab Marketing can be packaged with this edition to engage students and allow them to apply their knowledge, strengthen their understanding of key concepts and develop critical decision making skills.
The 6th edition of Principles of Marketing makes the road to learning and teaching marketing more effective, easier and more enjoyable than ever.
"Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing - not just the vocabulary.
Principles of Marketing keeps pace with a rapidly changing field, focussing on the ways brands create and capture consumer value. Practical content and linkage are at the heart of this edition.
This book describes these basic principles of marketing, and while the authors recognize that each decision may be slightly different from any previous decision, the rules or principles remain the same.
Principles of Marketing
This is suitable for any undergraduate or postgraduate undertaking an introductory course in marketing.
Principles of Marketing
The book is complemented by online instructor resources, including chapter-specific PowerPoint slides, an instructor manual, flipped classroom activities, as well as open access multiple choice questions (with solutions), videos, case ...
It includes the art of selling, creating and managing a brand or a product. The aim of this text is to give helpful insights about this vast field to the readers.
Principles of Marketing is a curriculum-driven text.