Emergency: Wife Needed – Emily Forbes Bushfires are racing through the hills of South Australia, but even amidst the flames no one can miss the arrival of new station officer Max Williams – firefighter extraordinaire! Max is devilishly sexy and exactly the type of man vulnerable paramedic Phoebe Wilson knows she should stay well away from! Despite her best intentions, Phoebe finds herself falling for the dedicated fireman. Max has always made it clear that he's not looking for commitment, but there is something about the sparkle in Phoebe's eyes that captivates him, and he knows that he has found a place to belong to – and a woman he wants as his bride... A Mother In A Million – Melissa James Jennifer's heart went out to new neighbour Noah and his three little kids. Their mother had gone missing a few years before and the single dad was struggling. All Jennifer could do was be there for them and bring love and laughter to their troubled lives. And, when the truth finally emerged, help them get over their loss. For so long Noah and Jennifer had denied the attraction that simmered between them. Now, out of the blue, came a proposal of marriage. But was it because he loved her – or because he needed a mother for his children?
It's one man's story of a dangerous world–and how to stay alive in it. Before the next disaster strikes, you're going to want to read this book. And you'll want to do everything it suggests. Because tomorrow doesn't come with a guarantee.
EKG - interval prolongation and Osborn waves ( which are positive deflections just after the QRS following the R waves usually seen in the precordial leads ) ( Circ 1996 ; 93 : 372 ; Acad Emerg Med 1999 ; 6 : 1121 ) may be present as ...
Principles. of. Disaster. Triage. E. Brooke Lerner, PhD and Richard B. Schwartz, MD Photo by Andrea Booher/FEMA News Photo. Learning. Objectives. Overview. By definition, a disaster or any event with numerous casualties is chaotic.
Looks at the jobs performed by people in the community trained to help others in emergencies, including police officers, firefighters, emergency medical service personnel, the Coast Guard, and utility workers.
In September 2009, three years after making these recommendations, the IOM held a workshop sponsored by the federal Emergency Care Coordination Center to assess the nation's progress toward regionalizing emergency care.
Social justice leader Tamika D. Mallory states her case for action and reveals “the power we all have to win transformative change” (Marc Lamont Hill, New York Times bestselling author) in this searing indictment of America’s ...
Many hospital personnel take online ICS courses and rarely practice enough to be proficient. This is a comprehensive guide to the HICS and can be referenced during initial and refresher training as well as during event management.
This book provides a step-by-step process that focuses on how to develop, practice, and maintain emergency plans that reflect what must be done before, during, and after a disaster, in order to protect people and property.
Holmes Regional Medical Center, 166–168 Innovis Health, 83–84 Johns Hopkins Hospital, 117–120 Johnson Memorial Hospital, ... 31–33, 58–59, 155–156 Scripps Health, 114–116 St. Joseph's Hospital, 111–113 Temple University Health System, ...
6. Clarke-Pearson D. Screening for ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med 2009;361:170–7. 7. Roett M, Evans P. Ovarian cancer: an overview. Am Fam Physician 2009;80(6): 609–16. 8. Greer B, Koh W. Diagnosis and treatment of cervical carcinomas.