You Can Protect Your Children in Divorce You can stop the divorce court from invading your privacy You can stop the illegal family studies You can limit the judges authority to rip your life apart You can stop the personal attacks on your parenting style You can stop the system from hurting your child You can stop the system from making you broke You can learn to protect those you love most The Divorce Industry takes BILLIONS of dollars from our children every single year! STOP THEM NOW! This book will give you the arguments, the legal framework for stopping the divorce custody machine dead in its tracks. This book will show you how to stop giving up your rights to your children. Your children need you in their lives. The most important thing you can do to give your child a future is to remain a full parent in their lives. To retain equal time to show them love and to teach them through your daily example. Children do best in life when they have two fit parents active in their lives. Your right to the care, custody and control over your child is a Fundamental Liberty, just as your right to free speech is, or your right to freedom of religion is a Fundamental Liberty. Your child has the right to associate with you and to have you as a parent, not a visitor, in their life. You and your child have privacy rights in your family life that are between you and your child as individuals. They do NOT come from the marriage, and, if you are a natural parent, they do NOT come from the Government. If you let them, the State will take your rights adn do with them what they please. Knowledge is Power! Know your Rights! Protect Your Children