This very first complete and fully indexed atlas for the High Mountains of Sinai Peninsula 'Tur Sina' features 205 maps with 2455 named-coded items, supplied with summit panoramic views. SINAI PENINSULA RESEARCH 2000-2013 CE 'S.P.R' survey and documentation fieldwork by Ahmed Shams, PhD, presents the most comprehensive and updated maps for the High Mountains of Sinai Peninsula 'Tur Sina', including the area of the Holy Monastery of St. Catherine and Mount Sinai. Between 2000 and 2008 (Phase I) a series of seventeen expeditions were conducted in order to study the geography and human occupation development of the entire mountain range. Between 2010 and 2013 (Phase II), further extensive analysis and modeling process, via a PhD study, was supervised and sponsored by IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy; scientifically collaborating with the European Research Academy - EURAC 'Institute for Alpine Environment', Bolzano/Bozen, towards a global perspective.This unique assemblage of compact, pocket-sized, full colour and detailed atlas presents the Tur Sina Map 'TSM', one of the two major outcomes of phase I (in addition to Sinai Peninsula Map 'SPM'), both are ideal for eco and cultural tourism travellers and trekkers, and specialists alike, including geographers, geologists and environmentalists; historians, archaeologists and anthropologists; and rural developers.