In this book we are trying to illuminate the persistent and nag ging questions of how mind, life, and the essence of being relate to brain mechanisms. We do that not because we have a commit ment to bear witness to the boring issue of reductionism but be cause we want to know more about what it's all about. How, in deed, does the brain work? How does it allow us to love, hate, see, cry, suffer, and ultimately understand Kepler's laws? We try to uncover clues to these staggering questions by con sidering the results of our studies on the bisected brain. Several years back, one of us wrote a book with that title, and the ap proach was to describe how brain and behavior are affected when one takes the brain apart. In the present book, we are ready to put it back together, and go beyond, for we feel that split-brain studies are now at the point of contributing to an understanding of the workings of the integrated mind. We are grateful to Dr. Donald Wilson of the Dartmouth Medi cal School for allowing us to test his patients. We would also like to thank our past and present colleagues, including Richard Naka mura, Gail Risse, Pamela Greenwood, Andy Francis, Andrea El berger, Nick Brecha, Lynn Bengston, and Sally Springer, who have been involved in various facets of the experimental studies on the bisected brain described in this book.
Gestalt Therapy and Beyond: An Integrated Mind-body Approach
A textbook for a course introducing the philosophy of mind for students who may have no background in philosophy at all.
Gestalt Therapy and Beyond: An Integrated Mind-Bodu Approach
that there must exist a regulatory mechanism in healthy individuals that prevents the slow oscillation from losing its chaotic character, enabling the healthy deep-sleeping brain to operate at—but not beyond—its “edge of chaos”.
These essays on a range of topics in the cognitive neurosciences report on the progress in the field over the twenty years of its existence and reflect the many groundbreaking scientific contributions and enduring influence of Michael ...
Release stress and boost energy. Including programs that can be done lying down, seated, or standing, Pilates for Breast Cancer Survivors will help you achieve maximum wellness, now and throughout your journey living life after cancer.
This book, updated for the second edition, brings together knowledge from politics and philosophy, from technology and evolutionary psychology, from science and religion, to create a new way of thinking about ourselves and the future.
These essays on a range of topics in the cognitive neurosciences report on the progress in the field over the twenty years of its existence and reflect the many groundbreaking scientific contributions and enduring influence of Michael ...
This Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology is designed to aid in your personal and professional application of the interpersonal neurobiology approach to developing a healthy mind, an integrated brain, and empathic relationships.
Argues that what is described as the self, or the essence of who a person is, reflects the interactions between the neurons and the synapses in the brain, allowing us to think, act, feel, believe, and make choices.