The Quit Smoking Answer

The Quit Smoking Answer
J. Smith


"The Quit Smoking Answer" is structured in such a way that all readers follow a process of "cold turkey" cessation through a step-by-step system to become nicotine free. The system shared is quick, easy, and proven, regardless of a person's dependency on nicotine. If you have ever thought, "wouldn't it be nice to quit smoking" than you've set the mood and you're ready to begin. It's easier to quit nicotine than you think! JW Smith, a smoker for 40 years, wrote this book after ending his vicious cycle of numerous failed attempts to quit. His system for nicotine cessation evolved over a subsequent six-week period of preparation to quit. He shares his story about a conversation with his nine year-old granddaughter that finally set the wheels in motion to find a better way - one that works. JW researched smoking cessation methods and used his own experience to forge a new path. This book may very well be destined to be in a category by itself in the nicotine cessation world of recommendations and advice. Why? Because it works! JW makes the case that smoking cessation is not an event, but rather a process. His book will teach you the key cognitive techniques he used to end both the physical and psychological addictions to nicotine. It debunks myths about nicotine replacement therapy products and instead lays out a natural progression of steps for becoming a nonsmoker. The premise of the book is based on this famous quote; "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." In the beginning of the book it is recommended to establish an environment and path of least resistance. Less resistance to quit is the first key step to becoming nicotine free. It is recommended that readers continue the use tobacco products including e-cigarettes while reading the book over a two or three day period of time- helping again to establish less resistance to quit. He additionally recommends as a first step that you tell no one of your desire to quit - preventing anyone including yourself of sabotaging your intention. As you apply the techniques and methods written about it becomes a natural procession leading up to your very last cigarette or use of chewing tobacco. A transformation of your thinking takes place and ending your addiction will seem like an "almost non-event" - as something just happens to you as you read this book. You will be physically and mentally prepared to end your addiction after reading this one of a kind book. Free from nicotine for life - and all the great rewards that come with it!