Decoding Da Vinci: Solving the Mystery of the World?s Most Famous Smile

Ronald Warncke


Five hundred years ago Leonardo da Vinci "decoded" a theological doctrine about God encoded into the first chapter of the Bible's Book of Genesis. This had been done during the Jewish Babylonian Captivity two thousand year before Leonardo lived. The "theological" message he discovered was so contrary to the teachings of the that he dared not reveal it to anyone. To leave a record of his discovery he encoded it into his most famous painting the Mona Lisa. If the Medieval Inquisition had "decoded" the "message" that Leonardo da Vinci had "encoded" into the Mona Lisa they would probably have burned him at the stake for heresy. This work of art has been the subject of countless controversies and inquiries down through the centuries. The most controversial theory is the painting's depiction of what appears to be an androgens person. One analysis indicates a possible underlying sketch of the artist as the model. There are also alleged accounts of various women and even a man modeling for the portrait. This book is not a work of fiction. It examines and explains in painstaking detail what Leonardo da Vinci had discovered and encoded into the world's most famous painting and why his "message" would have been heresy to the Medieval Church.. Leonard da Vinci is the most revered genius of the medieval period. However, despite Leonardo's many, various and unique accomplishments he remains best known to the world for the Mona Lisa. This is just as he had intended. The author evaluates the known facts, examines the various conjectures and explores the historical background, - all of which solves the mystery of Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile. In doing so it leads the reader to the logical and dramatic conclusion Leonardo da Vinci had deliberately and carefully planned to leave to posterity.