Fact: A New Zealander cannot become Head of State for New Zealand, and an Australian cannot become Head of State for Australia. The Head of State for both countries is the reigning British monarch. In this novel, a group of young Kiwis set out on an intriguing mission to see their country become a republic .... so that a New Zealander can become Head of State for New Zealand. Our heroes aim to take things a step further, demanding a new flag and a change of name for the country - after all, how many people know where old Zealand is? And historians confirm that no-one knows for certain who gave New Zealand its name! It wasn't Abel Tasman, as most Kiwis think! The Kiwi Republican Front uses headline-grabbing publicity stunts to convince Kiwis that getting a bold new start in the world as the Republic of Aotearoa is the way to go. They challenge the establishment, challenge the monarchists, and keep Kiwis laughing while bringing important hidden historical facts to light. When the sitting Prime Minister decides that her best chances at re-election could well be as the country's first President, suddenly the Kiwi Republican Front has some heavyweight support. One last publicity coup may well do it .... For once, it's the Australians trailing the Kiwi as some trans-Tasman rivalry sees the Aussies race to become a republic first.
Contact Phone: (07) 333 8720 Email: [email protected] Postal: D.J. & M.D.Millar, 1722 River Road, RD 1 Reporoa lAKE TAUPo - Acacia Bay > Holiday Home > Sleeps: 4-5 > Bedrooms: 3 Ref: 482. (428) (429).
1 AUCKLAND AND AROUND video welcome from Sir Edmund Hillary introduces you to an accomplished replica of the prefabricated hut used by Robert Falcon Scott and his team on their ill - starred 1911–12 attempt to be the first to reach the ...
A travel book that covers New Zealand from a-z facts about the country, facts for the visitor, getting around , and much more.
The outline of her life is intended to show how the Mansfield's work was influenced by her New Zealand upbringing, and discusses Mansfield's relationships with women such as Ida Baker and Maata Mahupuku.
William Powley died in Lowther Parish, England in 1575.
Jim Henderson's Home Country
"Covers the topics listed in the Summary of Essential Learning about New Zealand Society in the Social Studies Curriculum that relate to the strands of Culture and Heritage, Time, Continuity and Change and Social Organisation .
Palms and Minarets: Selected Stories
In this new collection of short stories from Vincent O'Sullivan, the characters find themselves at points of crisis - domestic, emotional, sometimes comic.
Miracle: A Romance