Get your FREE video on '5 steps to success' by the author. Visit for your I had been talking about what I wanted to do for years, after deceiving myself and getting fed up of not seeing results a voice in my head told me that, "Success is not by magic, it's by work. You need to SHUT UP AND TAKE ACTION!" That's why you are reading this... SHUT UP & TAKE ACTION is a no nonsense guide to SUCCESS & HAPPINESS. It's designed to give you the courage and tools to do the things you've always wanted to do but didn't because you allowed yourself to get stuck in the land of EXCUSES and SELF DOUBT. No more excuses - it's time to SHUT UP & TAKE ACTION! You deserve better and that will only come if you wake up, stop feeling sorry for yourself and take responsibility. Remember success is not by magic, it's by work! There are 4 levels of actions we take: We Doubt We Dabble We Do We Dominate This book is divided into 4 parts: Part 1 - How it all got started! Part 2 - The shut up & take action mindset Part 3 - The 31 day challenge Part 4 - The next level Learn to deal with your inner voice How to control doubt The secret weapon for daily success The power of discipline How to build a team How to handle negative friendships How to bounce back from setbacks This book was written for you because it's time for you to start living the life you deserve. STOP lying to yourself and get a grip on reality. What you want, won't drop out of the sky. It will be difficult, boring and frustrating but in the end you'll love the results!