Pwn the SAT: Essay Guide

Pwn the SAT: Essay Guide
English language
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Mike McClenathan


Say no to gimmicks. There's a rampant belief in the world of test prep that the SAT essay can be beaten with a few little tricks. This is unfortunate for two reasons. First, it isn't true. Second, it compels students to spend their SAT prep time memorizing hackneyed essay templates, rather than working to become better, more persuasive writers. PWN the SAT: Essay Guide is aimed at high-achieving students who understand that the surest way to receive a high SAT essay score is to produce a thoughtful and convincing essay. This book will help you develop strong rhetorical skills that will not only deliver high SAT essay scores, but also continue to pay dividends in college and beyond. In this book you'll learn: How the SAT essay is scored and how that should inform your writing How your essay score will influence your overall SAT writing score A step-by-step process for picking a position, outlining, and writing your essay The DOs and DON'Ts of essay writing How it all comes together via critiques of sample essays written by real students As an added bonus, since vocabulary is such an important part of SAT prep, the text is sprinkled with bold-font vocab words for easy lookup. Cool, right? I know.

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