The date is April 7, AD 30. Centurion Cornelius is crucifying a little-known religious leader and two thieves. Suddenly an earthquake occurs, and Cornelius is thrown to the ground and hits his head. When he arises, he proclaims, “Truly, this man was the Son of God.” What if you could interview Centurion Cornelius and record his story? Lucinius, a slave, is assigned this task. What Lucinius learns will forever change him and alter the course of history of Rome ... and of the world.
William D. McEachern. The date is April 7, AD 30. Centurion Cornelius is crucifying a little-known religious leader and two thieves. Suddenly an earthquake occurs, and Cornelius is thrown to the ground and hits his head.
This bestselling reference book contains colorful photography and artwork, as well as maps, diagrams and charts. Additionally, there are scripture and topical indexes for quick fact-checking.
Casting Lots: An Oracle of the Holy Spirit/2 Decks Cards
This is a journal of casting the lot that could transform the way one approaches God.
"This book centers on The Gospel of the Lots of Mary, a previously unknown text preserved in a fifth- or sixth-century Coptic miniature codex. It presents the first critical edition and translation of this new text.
Two teenagers, who are musical prodigies, get married when they graduate from high school. They set out on their first concert tour, and they begin casting lots to determine God's will.
Another debate has involved the Seventh Day Adventists' insistence on return to the original meaning of the Sabbath as Saturday (Paul Garnet and David L. ... "Sabbath," in A Dictionary of the Biblical Tradition in English Literature.
The Prince of the Apostles was Peter. Since Jesus said he would build his church on Peter the Rock and give Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and since Peter founded the Roman church, died in Rome, and handed his authority to ...
Fans of epic Christian fantasies will enjoy discovering a new voice. "Like the preceding series title, Inescapable, this tale of suspense offers a colorful cast of characters, small-town drama, and a hint of romance.
Selected Messages Book 2