Agile continues to be the most adopted software development methodology among organizations worldwide, but it generally hasn't integrated well with traditional security management techniques. And most security professionals aren’t up to speed in their understanding and experience of agile development. To help bridge the divide between these two worlds, this practical guide introduces several security tools and techniques adapted specifically to integrate with agile development. Written by security experts and agile veterans, this book begins by introducing security principles to agile practitioners, and agile principles to security practitioners. The authors also reveal problems they encountered in their own experiences with agile security, and how they worked to solve them. You’ll learn how to: Add security practices to each stage of your existing development lifecycle Integrate security with planning, requirements, design, and at the code level Include security testing as part of your team’s effort to deliver working software in each release Implement regulatory compliance in an agile or DevOps environment Build an effective security program through a culture of empathy, openness, transparency, and collaboration
Written by security experts and agile veterans, this book begins by introducing security principles to agile practitioners, and agile principles to security practitioners.
These tools are not perfect, and they can't see the entire application or even enough of it to substitute for running a complete scan. Instead, we recommend what's called sandbox scanning. Typically, scanners are set up for each ...
Secure, Resilient, and Agile Software Development was written for the following professionals: AppSec architects and program managers in information security organizations Enterprise architecture teams with application development focus ...
This practical guide provides both offensive and defensive security concepts that software engineers can easily learn and apply.
This book covers all the basic subjects such as threat modeling and security testing, but also dives deep into more complex and advanced topics for securing modern software systems and architectures.
Coverage includes Understanding key concepts underlying modern application and system lifecycles Creating your best processes for developing your most complex software and systems Automating build engineering, continuous integration, and ...
This book presents a step-by-step process for software security that is relevant to today’s technical, operational, business, and development environments with a focus on what humans can do to control and manage the process in the form of ...
This book's templates, checklists, and examples are designed to help you get started right away.
A DevOps team's highest priority is understanding those risks and hardening the system against them. About the Book Securing DevOps teaches you the essential techniques to secure your cloud services.
Van Haren, Zaltbommel, The Netherlands. McGraw, G. (2013, January 18). Cigital Justice League Blog: SecuringSoftware Design 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Is Hard. Retrieved from Applying the ...