Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, Second Edition, explains research design, implementation, and assessment criteria with a focus on procedures unique to the discipline of sport management.
SPEARMAN'S RHO Spearman's rho is a nonparametric alternative to Pearson's correlation coefficient discussed in Chapter 19. When the requirements for a Pearson's correlation are not met, especially asymmetrical score distributions, ...
(1999); leisure: Zuzanek and Veal (1998); youth and physical activity: Dunton et al. (2010); children and physical activity: Ridley et al. (2006). • Triangulation: Bryman and Bell (2003: 482–4), Duffy (1987).
Qualitative Research in Sport Management is the first book of its kind to bring together valuable research designs based on extensive research in qualitative research methods across a number of different fields.
Reason and Bradbury (2001) believe that: Since the AR community is committed to bring an attitude of inquiry towards questions of fundamental importance, we would do well to find ways to address the question of what purposes are worthy ...
The book offers the reader a step-by-step guide to the research process, from designing a research project, to collecting and analyzing data, to reporting the research, and is richly illustrated throughout with sport-related case-studies ...
Covering both qualitative and quantitative methods, the book introduces key topics such as generating a research idea, implementing the research design, maintaining good ethical standards, and collecting, analysing and presenting data.
This book's succinct, applied approach to research design and statistical analyses provides readers with essential skills to help them understand the importance of an information-based approach to decision making in the sport enterprise.
The book addresses issues relating to market research applied to the sports business. It aims to cover both theory and practice, targeting students, academics and sports clubs and organisations.
This second edition provides a detailed introduction into the research itself, and applies those methods directly to the field of sport business management.
Keeping pace with the rapidly evolving field of sport management, Contemporary Sport Management, the authoritative introductory text in the field, returns with a thoroughly updated seventh edition.