Fundamentals of Athletic Training, Third Edition, explains foundational concepts in athletic training and presents injuries and illnesses commonly encountered by certified athletic trainers. Written specifically for high school students, this text develops the knowledge and skills of students assisting athletic trainers on the field and in the training room as well as those considering future careers as sports medicine professionals. In an engaging full-color layout, the updated third edition presents the latest developments in athletic training with regard to treatment, care, administration, and certification. These new and updated topics are covered: •How to deal with more than one injury simultaneously •How to work with athletes with differing cultural backgrounds •Treatment and care of athletes with specific conditions or disabilities •Facility design and modality safety •Equipment ordering and maintenance •The role of the athletic trainer in school emergencies Fundamentals of Athletic Training, Third Edition, covers all of the introductory concepts that future athletic trainers need to know—at a level that high school students can understand. The text begins with an overview of the athletic training profession and presents human anatomy and the physiology of injury and tissue healing. A quick reference list highlights where to find related anatomical drawings. It then presents comprehensive head-to-toe coverage of common injuries and includes an explanation of each injury with appropriate treatment protocols. The text also discusses various conditions, illnesses, and communicable diseases along with information on nutrition and the effects of therapeutic, recreational, and performance-enhancing drug use. Students will learn the fundamentals of rehabilitation and injury prevention techniques through the use of taping, wrapping, and protective equipment. The third edition includes new and updated learning features that add interest, depth, and opportunities for critical thinking. Special chapter vignettes titled "What would you do if . . .?" encourage students to consider how they might handle day-to-day challenges faced by athletic trainers. “The Real World” segments provide examples of experiences that athletic trainers currently working in the field encounter. Other highlighted elements offer additional information about challenging topics, suggestions for additional research and special projects, or direction for hands-on application of theories presented within the chapter. Fundamentals of Athletic Training, Third Edition, also includes fully updated and expanded instructor materials. Online access to the instructor guide, the test package, and a new image bank now provide convenient, one-source assistance for lecture and test preparation. As a bonus, instructors may request the Essentials of Interactive Functional Anatomy CD-ROM for use in their classrooms. This unique learning tool provides an engaging way to teach the basics of human anatomy. Fundamentals of Athletic Training, Third Edition, provides student athletic training assistants with a clear understanding of the functions, skills, and activities they might encounter while assisting certified athletic trainers. By offering a solid introduction to the profession, this text will also pique the interest of students considering their career possibilities and act as a springboard to a future in athletic training and sports medicine.
“Best of the Literature: Neuromuscular Training Helps Prevent ACL Injuries.” Physician and Sportsmedicine 31(12): 8-9. Marchessault, J., M. Conti, and M. Baratz. 2009. “Carpal Fractures in Athletes Excluding the Scaphoid.” Hand Clinics ...
"This text integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to provide a strong foundation of general athletic training practices.
Fundamentals of Athletic Training
Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training provides essential information on the fundamentals of evidence-based practice (EBP) for students who are working toward certification in athletic training and for athletic trainers who wish to ...
This text integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to provide a strong foundation of general athletic training practices.
Clement, D., Hamson-Utley, J., Arvinen-Barrow, M., Kamphoff, C. S., Zakrajsek, R. A., & Martin, S. B. (2012). College athletes' expectations about injury re- habilitation with an athletic trainer. International Journal ofAthletic ...
B. For this joint the tibia is the concave bone and the femur is the convex bone. C. During open-chain knee ... on the following scenario: During the spring season, you are counseling your football players regarding nutrition. 148. 149.
Kelly J, Nichols J, Filley C, et al. Concussion in sports: Guidelines for the prevention of catastrophic outcome. JAMA. 1991;226:2867–2869. Saunders R, Harbaugh R. The second impact in catastrophic contact-sports head injuries. JAMA.
Principles of Athletic Training: A Guideto Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
The roles of facility personnel and local emergency medical services ( EMS ) workers who may care for an injured athlete are then explained . Next , conditions that may pose a threat to an athlete's life are introduced .