Measurement in Sport and Exercise Psychology provides a complete analysis of the tools and methods used in sport and exercise psychology research. Each chapter of this accessible text presents key measurement variables and concepts, including their definitions; an evaluation of the measurement constructs and tools available; and an explanation of any controversies in each topic. The text includes access to an online resource that presents 14 measurement instruments in their entirety. This resource also contains additional web links to many other measurement instruments. Drawing on their experience as leading researchers in the field, editors Tenenbaum, Eklund, and Kamata have selected a team of recognized scholars to bring both breadth and depth to this essential resource. By thoroughly examining each measurement tool, Measurement in Sport and Exercise Psychology assists readers in determining strengths and limitations of each tool and discovering which tools are best suited to their research projects. Readers will also gain critical knowledge to expand the field by recognizing opportunities for new methods of measurement and evaluation. The text begins with a historical review of measurement in sport and exercise psychology followed by a comprehensive description of theories and measurement issues. It provides detailed information regarding ethical and cultural issues inherent in the selection of specific testing protocols as well as issues in interpreting meta-analysis. This is followed by discussion of the commonly used constructs and inventories in three areas: cognition, perception, and motivation measurement; emotion (affect) and coping measurement; and social and behavioral measurement. Recommendations for researchers and practitioners included at the end of each chapter provide starting points for considering ways to incorporate chapter content into research projects and professional practice. Tables located at the end of each chapter summarize key information for quick reference and provide online sources, when available, so that readers can access each measurement tool. Original source information is provided for those tools not available online. Measurement in Sport and Exercise Psychology assists readers in evaluating the effectiveness of specific measurement tools. As the most complete and up-to-date directory of tools and inventories in the field of sport and exercise, this text offers a thorough explanation of considerations, controversies, recommendations, and locations for accessing these measurement tools.
This text provides a comprehensive review of measurement approaches within sport and exercise psychology. Over 50 of the world's leading experts in the field contribute to chapters addressing the historical...
Originally presented at the Eighth Measurement and Evaluation Symposium, all papers in this issue reflect the work of many renowned measurement specialists and content experts in their respective fields.
From personal factors to situational factors influencing performance to specific psychological techniques for enhancing performance, this work provides comprehensive coverage of the field via approximately 350 to 400 signed entries.
This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the field of sport and exercise psychology.
The fourth edition of a classic, leading resource for the field of sport, exercise, and performance psychology Now expanded to two volumes, and featuring a wealth of new chapters from highly respected scholars in the field, this all-new ...
Each contribution delves into a thematic area with more nuanced vocabulary. The terminology drawn upon integrates traditional discourse and emerging topic matter into a state-of-the-art two-volume set.
This book takes a learner-oriented approach as it strives to make complex material understandable and usable.
Arranged in four complementary parts, the book moves from a general discussion of the nature and role of sport psychology to explorations of individual, group and health factors affecting performance.
Thoroughly revised and updated, this text offers instructors and readers comprehensive coverage of methods of measurement and evaluation of human performance.
Increases in internal focus of attention as a factor explaining the effectiveness of self-talk strategies. ... Understanding psychological preparation for sport: Theory and practice of elite performers. Chichester: Wiley.