Gain muscle, cut fat, and elevate your power and performance levels. With a résumé that includes work with many NFL and NBA athletes as well as world-class bodybuilders, Susan Kleiner brings you a resource like no other. In Power Eating, Kleiner brings together years of scientific-based research that has aided in the development of thousands of athletes and offers it to you in this one-of-a-kind practical resource. In a world where every athlete desires to gain that extra advantage over the competition, too often attention is given to the latest quick fix. In Power Eating, you’ll find a better way to achieve goals in physique and performance—safely, legally, and effectively. In this fourth edition, you’ll find the latest scientifically proven nutrition guidance that athletes in all power sports require. In addition to the popular diet plans that provide meal suggestions for each meal of the day, you’ll discover new findings suggesting how certain botanicals can improve performance when introduced to your diet. And the completely updated supplement rating system, based on the latest scientific studies, will guide you through the minefield of unsubstantiated claims and help you select the best supplements for you based on their purity, potency, digestibility, and absorption. Incorporate the Power Eating plan into your training and find out what thousands of athletes already know. Power Eating is more than a book. It’s your path to power excellence.
All chapters and meal plans in this updated edition reflect the latest research to enable competitive and novice athletes to gain power, reduce body fat, build muscle, tighten mental focus, and enhance training.
Duncan, S.H., and Belenguer, A. 2007. Reduced dietary intake of carbohydrates by obese subjects results in decreased ... Eelderink, C., et al. 2012. The glycemic response does not reflect the in vivo starch digestibility of fiber-rich ...
It’s about everyone who has contributed to making New York the dining capital of the world as it is today. This book presents the complete list of restaurants, bars, bakeries, bodegas, and more, featured in Billions.
This revolutionary book is Healthy Eating -- Healthy World: Unleashing the Power of Plant-based Nutrition by J. Morris Hicks, and it is the book that finally tackles all compelling reasons for adopting a plant-based diet -- from the ...
With detailed nutrition information and a gorgeous photo for every recipe, The Power Bowl Recipe Book is the first step on the road to ultimate health!
"Incredible." --Maria Shriver "This fascinating book not only reveals the science behind neuro-nutrition, it shows us what we could be eating for maximum brain power.
And that is why it was putting on weight as a last resort in order to protect the body from any sort of future starvation. This book is going to tell you all about ancient food eating practices followed by the wise men of yore.
If you've ever asked yourself, "Why do I know how to eat healthier to lose weight but don't do it?" this is the perfect book for you.
Addressing issues ranging from the global phenomenon of Coca-Cola to the diets of American slaves, Sidney Mintz shows how our choices about food are shaped by a vast and increasingly complex global economy.
Power Eating Program:You Are How You Eat, by Lino Stanchich, L.N. and world renowned Macrobiotic Educator and author, provides the "Missing Key" to the optimum absorption and digestion of foods, no matter which foods you eat.