Outdoor Leadership, Second Edition, is the definitive text for developing student leadership in outdoor and adventure settings throughout the world. Crafted by an author team internationally recognized for their research, teaching, and experience in outdoor and adventure leadership, this new edition provides students with the foundational knowledge they need to develop as competent professionals in the field. Grounded in Eight Core Competencies Through Outdoor Leadership, Second Edition, students are introduced to eight core competencies that the authors consider essential to outdoor leadership: 1. Foundational knowledge 2. Self-awareness and professional conduct 3. Decision making and judgment 4. Teaching and facilitation 5. Environmental stewardship 6. Program management 7. Safety and risk management 8. Technical ability This unique approach to outdoor and adventure leadership will help students meet current professional standards in the field as they prepare for careers in education and recreation. The students move step by step through the materials and assignments, gaining and demonstrating leadership competencies, which they will document through a portfolio of their course experiences. The development of these portfolios is a highly practical and valuable takeaway for students looking to get a leg up as they ready themselves for their careers. New to the Text This latest edition of Outdoor Leadership offers new features, material, and resources, including: • The expertise and perspectives of new author Marni Goldenberg • A new chapter on program assessment • A new chapter on developing cultural and social justice competencies as an outdoor leader • A redistribution of the content on values and ethics (formerly a single chapter) across multiple chapters • An increased emphasis on international perspectives • A stronger focus on outdoor leadership in the area of ecotourism • Revisions to address critical issues in the evolving field of outdoor and adventure leadership • New ancillaries, including an instructor guide (which includes learning and portfolio activities for each chapter, as well as other new learning experiences), a test package, and a presentation package Emphasizing Both Theory and Practice While primarily directed at novice outdoor leaders, , is useful for more experienced outdoor leaders as well, including administrative and supervisory personnel in outdoor leadership organizations. The authors have created a balance between theory and practice as they explore the eight core competencies by doing the following: • Introducing students to a wide variety of theories and concepts integral to outdoor leadership • Using chapter-opening vignettes to illustrate the theories and concepts addressed in the chapter • Acquainting readers with numerous organizations and agencies in which outdoor leaders work • Offering a series of learning activities and professional development exercises to transform the theoretical into the practical Preparing Students for Successful Careers The result is a highly useful resource that grounds students in the theories, concepts, and competencies that they need in order to be successful leaders in outdoor and adventure settings. This competency-based approach will help aspiring outdoor leaders plan safe, enjoyable, and ecologically responsible expeditions; acquire and showcase their leadership abilities, culminating in a professional portfolio; and develop the knowledge and expertise they need to be effective leaders.
Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory, and Practice : how to Use Time in the Wilderness and Backcountry Adventure Camping for...
These early settlers faced an acute need for survival in these wild, unknown environments and were impelled to conquer and subdue nature to obtain food, shelter, and safety rather than to appreciate natural aesthetics (Plummer, 2009).
Reprint, with a foreword by Edward Lueders, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1995. Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac. 1949. Reprint, with an introduction by Robert Finch, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. Pearson ...
Comprehensive, Readable, and Packed with Practical advice, AMC Guide to Outdoor Leadership, 2nd edition, is a must-read for anyone committed to becoming an effective outdoor leader, guide, or educator, including camp, scouting, and outdoor ...
The Outdoor Leader's Handbook: How to Plan, Supply and Guide an Outdoor Expedition for Two to Twelve People
REFERENCES Boyes, M., & O'Hare, D. (2011). Examining naturalistic decision making in outdoor adventure contexts by computer simulation. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 15(1), 24–36. Boyes, M., & Potter, T. (2015).
Confidently navigating the ancient wilderness, master educator Erica Brown guides readers through the tumultuous events of the book of Numbers in search of the key to successful leadership.
This revised handbook remains a trusted resource for professional and volunteer outdoor leaders alike.
The book will be especially helpful to youth pastors, student ministry leaders and parents of young people.
Comprehensive, timely, and packed with practical advice and stories of real-life experiences, AMC Guide to Outdoor Leadership, 3rd Edition is a must-read for people of all walks of life who are committed to becoming safe and effective ...