Strategic Sport Communication, Second Edition, explores the sport industry’s exciting and multifaceted segment of sport communication. With communication theory, sport literature, and insight from the industry’s leading professionals, the text presents a standard framework that introduces readers to the many ways in which individuals, media outlets, and sport organizations work to create, disseminate, and manage messages to their constituents. The team of international authors has drawn on its extensive practical, academic, and leadership experiences to update and revitalize this second edition of Strategic Sport Communication. Using the industry-defining standard of the Strategic Sport Communication Model (SSCM), the text explores sport communication in depth and then frames the three major components of the field: personal and organizational communication, sport media, and sport communication services and support. Readers will discover how each aspect of this segment of the sport industry is integral to the management, marketing, and operational goals at all levels of sport organizations. The second edition includes the following enhancements: • A new, expanded chapter titled Integrated Marketing Communication in Sport allows students to explore modern marketing strategy. • Substantial updates and new information on multiple social media platforms throughout the book elucidate the latest trends. • “Sport Communication at Work” sidebars and “Profile of a Sport Communicator” features apply topics and theoretical concepts to real-world situations. • Key terms, learning objectives, and chapter wrap-ups with review questions, discussion questions, and individual exercises keep readers engaged and focused. • An expanded ancillary package provides tools for instructors to use in course preparation and presentation. The content is complemented by photos throughout and organized in an easy-to-read style. Part I of the book introduces sport communication by defining the scope of study, examining roles and functions of sport communication professionals, and looking at the history and growth of the field. Part II dives into the SSCM, which provides a macro-view of the three main components of communication in sport. This section also addresses digital and mobile communications, public relations and crisis communication, and sport research. Part III addresses sociocultural issues and legal aspects of sport communication, including culture, gender, sex, race, ethnicity, and politics. Throughout the text, individual exercises, group activities, review questions, and discussion questions promote comprehension for a variety of learning styles. With Strategic Sport Communication, Second Edition, readers will be introduced to the vast and varied field of sport communication. The framework of the SSCM prepares readers with foundational and theoretical knowledge so they are able to understand the workings of, and ultimately contribute to, the rapidly growing field of sport communication.
In Asia Communication and Media Forum (pp. 14–16). Beijing, China. Boynton, R.S. (n.d.). ... from http:// comScore ranks the top 50 U.S. digital properties for September 2014.
This is the first textbook to introduce the fundamental principles and practice of sport communication from an international perspective.
The Routledge Handbook of Sport Communication is the only book to offer a fully comprehensive and in-depth survey of the contemporary discipline of sport communication.
Students are encouraged to challenge the ethical implications of what they have read and to "make the call." This is an invaluable resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students of sport communication and sport management.
The book is important reading for all students of sport management or event management, and all practising event managers looking to develop their professional skills.
Bringing together preeminent international researchers, emerging scholars and practitioners, Paul M. Pedersen presents the comprehensive Encyclopedia of Sport Management, offering detailed entries for the critical concepts and topics in the ...
Strategic Sport Marketing is a practical tool and theoretical guide to sport marketing internationally. The fourth edition of this widely used text is fully revised and updated.
Updated for this edition, Sport Communication at Work sidebars feature industry experts applying chapter content, and Profile of a Sport Communicator sidebars highlight professional opportunities.
One method of identifying messages and repeating them throughout an interview involves keeping in mind the rule of threes (Rowe, Alexander, Earl, & Esser, 2001). Write down the three message points that the organization deems the most ...
... Marketing and Sponsorship, 3, 54–81. doi:10.1108/ IJSMS-03-01-2001-B006 Gonçalves, B., Coutinho, D., Santos, S ... /what-are-pomeroy-college-basketball-ratings/fc7bff57-b177 -4c12-8912-69d0fcaf2e63_note.html Greenberg, N. (2017, ...