Sports in American History: From Colonization to Globalization, Second Edition, journeys from the early American past to the present to give students a compelling grasp of the evolution of American sporting practices. This text provides students with insights into new and alternative perspectives, examines sport as a social and cultural phenomenon, generates a better understanding of current sport practices, and considers future developments in American sport. The second edition includes the following enhancements: • The final chapter highlights sport in the twenty-first century and gives students an updated view of contemporary sport. • Content about the progressive era now makes up two chapters and provides students with a clearer understanding of this instrumental period. • New “People and Places” and “International Perspectives” sidebars introduce key figures in sport history and provide students with a global understanding of sport. • Time lines with major sport and societal events and milestones provide context in each chapter. • More than 150 images provide historical authenticity and relate people and events to the accompanying text. • Chapter objectives and discussion questions help students absorb and apply relevant content. • An ancillary suite helps instructors prepare for class with an instructor guide, test package, and presentation package. This comprehensive resource delivers coverage of sport by historical periods—from the indigenous tribes of premodern America, through colonial societies, to the era of sport in the United States today. Sports in American History, Second Edition, examines how women, minorities, and ethnic and religious groups have influenced U.S. sporting culture. This gives students a broader knowledge of the complexities of sport, health, and play in the American experience and how historical factors, such as gender, ethnicity, race, and religion, provide a more complete understanding of sports in American history. The easy-to-follow material is divided into 11 chronological chapters starting with sporting practices in colonial America and ending with globalized sport today, making it ideal for a semester-long course. The second edition maintains dedication to providing authentic primary documents—including newspapers, illustrations, photographs, historical writings, quotations, and posters—to bring the time periods to life for students. An extensive bibliography features primary and secondary sources in American sport history. Sports in American History, Second Edition, is unique in its level of detail, broad time frame, and focus on sports and the evolving definitions of physical activity and games. In addition, excerpts from primary documents provide firsthand accounts that will not only inform and fascinate readers but also provide a well-rounded perspective on the historical development of American sport. With sidebars offering an international viewpoint, this book will help students understand how historical events have shaped sport differently in the United States than in other parts of the world.
... University of Florida Florida A&M University 208 Florida State University 87 Florio, James J. 405 folk games 7, ... Giants); Chicago American Giants; Cuba (X-Giants); New York Giants; San Francisco Giants Gibson, Althea 206, 207, ...
The book isn't just about baseball statistics and box scores, though; baseball games are adeptly matched with ... John Vernon (1995), Arthur Diamond (1992), and Paul Dorinson (1999) to the broader sports world and American society.
Filled with insightful analysis and compelling arguments, this book considers the influence of sports on popular culture and spotlights the fascinating ways in which sports culture and American culture intersect.
A Brief History of American Sports reveals that from colonial times to the present, sports have been central to American culture, and a profound expression of who we are.
From the author Robert Lipsyte calls "the best young sportswriter in America," a rollicking, rebellious, myth-busting history of sports in America that puts politics in the ring with pop culture In this long-waited book from the rising ...
From Colonial Lacrosse to Extreme Sports Bob Batchelor, Danielle Sarver Coombs. are held over a variety of distances, though the most popular and common distances are 50 kilometers (31.1 miles), 50 miles, 100 kilometers (62.2 miles), ...
In Whats My Name, Fool? sports writer Dave Zirin shows how sports express the worst - and at times the most creative, exciting, and political - features of our society.
The 100 Most Important Sporting Events in American History
... Transpacific Field of Dreams, historian Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu chronicles the relationship between Japan and the United States by following the roads that baseball paved between both societies earlier in the century. She writes that ...
Gerald R. Gems, Gertrud Pfister. UNDERSTANDING AMERICAN SPORTS G E R A L D R . G E M S ANDGERT R U D P F I S T E R First published 2009 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park,