"This book helps educators who use the outdoors as a learning setting. It presents teaching methods for people who teach in schools, nature centers, adventure centers, camps, environmental learning centers, government agencies, and universities. These methods apply to many subject areas such as physical education, science education, environmental studies, and recreation"--
In Fieldwork : An expeditionary learning Outward Bound reader , vol . 1 , ed . E. Cousins and M. Rodgers . Dubuque , IA : Kendall / Hunt . MacDonald , R.H. 1993. ... London : Pearson . Berman , D. , and C. Teeters , eds . 2002.
Safe and Responsible Youth Expeditions
A Guide to Outdoor Experiential Learning
Representatives of different countries tell participants at the Edinburgh meeting about their national approaches to Outdoor Education.
Combining archival and publicly recorded information with personal stories from past and present OBA founders, staff and participants, the author compiles a fifty-year social history of the organisation.
The Expedition Experience as a Vehicle for Change in the Inner City
Self-reliance in the Outdoors: Junior High School Instructors Resource
Provides instructions for a variety of simple activities to explore the world outdoors, from looking at the stars to studying the behavior of worms