Adventures with the Ancient Crystal Skulls

Adventures with the Ancient Crystal Skulls
Jill Gurr, Joky van Dieten


Adventures with the Ancient Crystal Skulls is an inspirational memoir by Joky ("YOH kee") van Dieten. She shares stories about her fascinating journeys around the world, and the spiritual awakening that transformed her life. As a child, she helped her father hide from the Nazis. Joky was one of the first female Ferrari race car drivers in Europe. She became an international celebrity after surviving a horrific accident. Joky defied the doctors' predictions of death or disability when she realized that her own belief system controlled her body. Her family overcame a terrible tragedy. Joky journeyed to many exotic places and sailed with her husband and kids on a renovated minesweeper when a dangerous woman broke up their marriage. While fleeing back to the Netherlands, she had to save herself and her children from being kidnapped. She was spiritually guided to buy an ancient crystal skull called "E.T." Joky miraculously recovered from a malignant brain tumor with help from her artifact. An extraordinary phenomena occurred with the crystal skull that was related to this. More ancient crystal skulls magically came to her. She is now the guardian of a "crystal skull family" with twelve skulls. Some have mystical, paranormal and therapeutic effects on people and animals. Coauthor Jill Gurr shares her own experiences with Joky's crystal skulls, as well as others. She provides valuable information and resources so that you can further explore these extraordinary artifacts to discover their unique capacity to connect with each one of us. Take this motivational journey to learn how the crystal skulls can unleash your power and creativity.