The Criminal Trial Handbook: The Concise Guide to Courtroom Evidence, Procedure, and Trial Tactics

The Criminal Trial Handbook: The Concise Guide to Courtroom Evidence, Procedure, and Trial Tactics
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Mark Curry


The Criminal Trial Handbook is a concise and practical treatise that sets forth the nuts and bolts of what every lawyer needs to know to competently and effectively try a criminal case. Designed for use by both prosecutors and defense attorneys, experienced and inexperienced, the handbook is compiled and written by a California Superior Court judge with nearly 30 years of courtroom experience. It follows the natural progression of a jury trial from the first day counsel arrive at the courtroom through the closing argument. At each stage of a trial, the applicable rules of courtroom procedure and evidence are explained. It covers common evidentiary trial issues, such as hearsay and character evidence, and includes the verbatim text for some of the most commonly used California Evidence Code sections and selected case law authorities. Topics covered include: * Pre-Trial Motions* Discovery* Jury Selection* Opening Statements and Closing Arguments* Direct Examination* Cross-Examination* Expert Witnesses* Hearsay * Character Evidence* Writings* Foundational Requirements for Evidence* Objections* DeliberationsIn addition, the handbook describes basic trial tactics, such as how to effectively cross-examine a witness, how to present evidence in the courtroom, and how to make persuasive opening statements or closing arguments. It also contains "Trial Tips," practical suggestions for the courtroom not ordinarily found in other legal treatises or law books. Although primarily geared towards criminal law, many of the trial procedures and tactics discussed are equally applicable in civil trials. The handbook is also a great resource for law students or anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of a criminal jury trial.