The California child welfare system has moved to an "outcomes-based approach. The outcomes-based approach is implemented due to unsatisfactory outcomes of youth in out-of-home placements. Every year, over 4000 youth emancipate or "age out" of the foster care system in California without a permanent family, and 65% of emancipated youth leave foster care, with no place to live. Nine percent of African American males, 5 percent of White males and 6 percent of Latino males enter the state prison. Group homes for youth must prepare to provide an array of community and family based mental health services, including Wraparound and Therapeutic Foster Care in order to change the outcomes as they are today. This booklet is a supplement to the Trauma Informed Care staff training received by organizations that have made a commitment to meeting the reform efforts of California and providing quality care towards the success of its youths in residential care. Trauma Informed Care is an evidence based and strength based tool that all caregivers of at risk youth should employ. The booklet outlines the Trauma Informed Care training program highlighting key concepts and learned areas for the staff, management and organization.