Sometimes, choosing to love your husband is hard. Whether you've been married one year or 31 years, chances are he's done things that have frustrated you, angered you, hurt you, or flabbergasted you. But after arguing over how to load the dishwasher yet again, you might be wondering how you can show him that you really do love him. In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can do something meaningful for your husband and grow in your faith. From washing his car to writing a positive post about him on social media to watching his favorite movie with him, these pages are full of creative, simple, and interactive ideas on how to bless your husband. You'll discover daily Scripture verses, inspirational readings, and journaling prompts to encourage you as well!
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2001. L'Engle, Madeleine. Two-Part Invention. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1988. Lewis, C. S. C. S. Lewis on Love, comp. Lesley Walmsley. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998. Lewis, C. S. The Four Loves.
Offers wives instructions on how to pray for their husbands in practical, life-changing ways, identifitying sixteen landmarks to effectively cover husbands in prayer and offering a thirty-day guide that features Scriptures and prayers.
How to Pray for Your Husband is for every wife who has struggled with becoming "one" with her husband. The focal point of this book is developing the practice of daily prayer for your husband.
How can you show your husband how much you love him? 30 Ways a Wife Can Bless Her Husband is packed with 30 simple, fun, and affordable activities to show your husband that you love and appreciate him!
How can you show your wife how much you love her? 30 Ways a Husband Can Bless His Wife is packed with 30 simple, fun, and affordable activities to show your wife that you love and appreciate her!
Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband concerning key areas in his life, including... his spiritual walk his emotions his role as a leader his security in work his physical protection his ...
Yet when it comes to their marriages, those same traits can backfire. After all, no one goes into marriage hoping for a promotion. What is a wife to do? April Cassidy knows this struggle firsthand.
When you surrender your relationship to God, then and only then will you experience the blessing of marriage as He intended. This is the blessing of obedience. Messy Beautiful Love is an invitation to that obedience.
I will continue to recommend this book as a "must read." —Gary Chapman, bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages® Pam and Bill Farrel have the ability to take an everyday menu of spaghetti and waffles and transform biblical, practical ...
Here are just a few of the fun ideas Kathi (along with some of her most encouraging friends) suggests to show love to your man: Brag on him on social media. Study up on his favorite team and then watch a game with him.