Meditation 101: How Anyone Can Easily Learn to Meditate Even If You Can't Sit Still

Max Fischwell


Have you ever told yourself, "I'd love to meditate but..." I can't sit still: Learn about different techniques so that even the most fidgety people can still benefit from meditation. I can't stay focused: Learn how to handle unwanted thoughts that pop in your head so you can get the most from you meditation. Some of the postures look intimidating: Learn why you don't need to torture yourself with extremely uncomfortable positions. Instead you will learn what is truly important for meditation when you sit down. I just don't have the time: Learn how you can meditate even if you have a very hectic schedule. Hint: Even just a few minutes a day is much better than nothing.I too have faced many of these common objections that people seem to have when it comes to the subject of meditation. It actually prevented me from pursuing it all together. However after learning about all the positive benefits one can achieve from meditation such as being more calm in stressful situations to having more energy throughout the day, I became committed on overcoming these common obstacles so I can start to reap the benefits of meditation.And all I can say is that I am glad that I did. Now I am going to share with you what I learned and the techniques I used to overcome the most common obstacles to mediation. Keep in mind that this book is about meditation for beginners, so if you are just starting out than this meditation book is perfect for you. The above bullet points is just some of what you will learn from this book.

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