We Were Not Spoiled chronicles the life of Lucille Verreault Ledoux, a Mainer born in 1921. Born and raised in Lewiston, her life is typical of many Franco-Americans of her generation and, as such, is an important addition to our understanding of Maine's ethnically diverse communities in the last century.This is a book of often overlooked details, of information thought to be marginal and so too frequently lost to students of history. A basic function of memoir is to give witness to a time and a way of life gone by and this book succeeds well at this function.We Were Not Spoiled is full of period photos drawn from family collections and is generously endowed with endnotes to enhance the significance of the text for historical reference.
As he made the sign of the cross over everyone , or each individual , he said : “ Que Dieu vous bénisse au nom du Père et du Fils et du Saint Esprit . Amen . ” Traditionally , this blessing was immediately followed by a wish along the ...