Why Do All the Locals Think We're Crazy?: Three Men, Three Kayaks, the Caribbean, and One Bad Idea

Why Do All the Locals Think We're Crazy?: Three Men, Three Kayaks, the Caribbean, and One Bad Idea
Scott Finazzo


Do you ever get the feeling that you are stuck in a rut? Routine can sneak up and take over your life without warning or apology. Thoughts of breaking out and escaping for a while become a distraction. Doing something fun and crazy begins to engulf your daydreams. Most of those thoughts are dismissed and cast aside as quickly as they arrived. But what if, just one time, you hold on to it? You step out of your comfort zone and go after that dream. It could turn out to be a failure or it could be legendary, but you'll never know until you try. That is how it began for Scott Finazzo. Why Do All the Locals Think We're Crazy? is the true story of three firemen from the Midwest who decided to break out of their mid-life routine and take their mischievous humor and their inability to back down from a challenge to new limits. Their kindred love for tropical locations, along with an insuppressible desire to be anywhere but Kansas, led them to extend their reach beyond the borders of the continental United States. They, with a combined total of zero boat building experience, constructed their own kayaks. Then they, with a combined total of zero sea kayaking experience, planned to spend a week paddling among the picturesque U.S. and British Virgin Islands. From day one twists, turns, setbacks, and obstacles hindered any romantic notions of a cinematic triumph over the confines of mundane suburbia and personal limitations. Yet, they took the trip, risked their reputations and lives, and managed to avoid becoming a pointless maritime tragedy. Through perseverance, humor, and rum they conquered the literal and metaphorical mountains they encountered: personal conflict, delays of every kind, kayak failure, separation, a night alone on an uninhabited island, and a rescue by a yacht chartered by drunken Dutch airline pilots. Why Do All the Locals Think We're Crazy? chronicles the entire journey from idea inception through their return to the mainland. It combines adventure and humor with sprinkled in dime store philosophy that will leave you captivated, laughing, and glad to be on dry land.

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