Manual of psychiatric nursing care planning (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Wilson, B. A., Shannon, M. T., & Shields, K. M. (2018). Pearson nurse's drug guide 2018. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Introductory Mental Health Nursing
Now in full color, this paperback book is an introductory-level textbook for students enrolled in a practical/vocational nursing program and taking a course in mental health nursing.
Updated, easy to read, and designed specifically for today’s LPN/LVN students, Introductory Mental Health Nursing, 5th Edition, makes the realities of mental health nursing approachable and prepares students to confidently manage ...
Lippincott Coursepoint Enhanced for Womble's Introductory Mental Health Nursing
This unique text is the most comprehensive psychiatric mental health resource available.
A comprehensive, easy-to-read introductory text for nursing students. The book is organized into three sections: Introduction to Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, Mental Health Disorders, and Nursing Management of Special Populations.
Lippincott's Review Series: Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
The updated 13th Edition combines clear writing, dynamic photographs and illustrations, engaging study tools, and robust online resources to equip students with the confidence and understanding for superior clinical success in a changing ...
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