Cancer Pain: From Molecules to Suffering

Cancer Pain: From Molecules to Suffering
Cancer Pain
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Judith A. Paice, Rae F. Bell, Eija A. Kalso


An in-depth analysis of basic and clinical research on cancer pain, Cancer Pain: From Molecules to Suffering describes underlying mechanisms of cancer pain and reviews opioid treatment issues, including tolerance. This comprehensive new volume discusses current drug trials and research, clinical trial designs, common reactions including inflammation and hyperalgesia, the psychology of cancer pain, and disparities in the availability of cancer care worldwide. Who should buy this book? Cancer Pain: From Molecules to Suffering is essential reading for: Clinicians, including physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and psychologists Cancer researchers interested in studying the mechanisms and psychology of pain, as well as clinical drug trials Global health care professionals who experience disparities in cancer treatment Medical students who want to improve their skills in cancer pain assessment and management

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