Essentials of Family Medicine

Essentials of Family Medicine
Essentials of Family Medicine
Mindy A. Smith


A staple of family medicine training for 30 years, Essentials of Family Medicine offers a comprehensive introduction to this specialty designed just for clerkship students. Covering principles of family medicine, preventive care, and a full range of common ambulatory care problems, it provides all the guidance you need to succeed on a clinical rotation in family medicine. This 7th Edition features many significant changes, including a new, stronger focus on the hands-on "how-tos" of family medicine...a great deal of new coverage related to direct care, the context of care, and community medicine...input from a new Student Advisory Board to ensure the practicality and utility of the content... and many other key updates to keep Essentials of Family Medicine as relevant as possible for today's practice. You'll appreciate its user-friendly writing style, focus on common clinical problems, and use of case studies to illustrate practical applications of key concepts. Meet the challenges of contemporary practice with many brand-new chapters and updates throughout. Effectively navigate the challenges you'll face in your clerkship thanks to a new emphasis on how to approach specific situations. Enjoy content that's optimized for your needs through input from an advisory team of 4th-year medical students. See how concepts apply to practice with chapter-opening case studies, and build your clinical skills with clinical questions and case discussions that simulate the patient encounter.

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