Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Now in full color for the first time, the third edition of the Handbook of Pediatric Urology helps you better understand the diagnosis and treatment of all major urologic disorders and conditions in infants, children, and adolescents. A new third editor, Dr. Jeffery A. Stock—Director of Pediatric Urology at Kravis Children's Hospital, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York—and over 25 contributors provide thorough, concise coverage of the entire field, making this quick-reference ideal for bedside use as well as deep-dive research.
The Generalist's Handbook of Pediatric Urology is intended to be just that.
Other health practitioners (i.e. pediatrician, family practitioner, residents, medical students, and mid-level providers) will also find this book a key reference.
As well as being thoroughly revised with the latest in management guidelines, brand new to this edition are a host of clinical case studies highlighting real-life problems during urologic surgery and the tips and tricks used by the surgeon ...
This book will give a concise overview of all important topics and is designed to provide information in order to recognise the common surgical conditions; namely typical symptoms and signs, investigation and then treatment management.
The sixth edition of The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urology presents state-of-the-art knowledge and common-sense practice in all areas of clinical pediatric urology in a single, easily accessible volume.
... “approach the lower urinary tract last” (Neil Resnick,4 Professor of Gerontology, Pittsburgh).5,6 Causes of nocturia Urological: • benign prostatic obstruction, overactive bladder, incomplete bladder emptying Nonurological: • renal ...
This comprehensive handbook of consent in surgical subspecialities is dedicated to the risks and complications that a child needs to be consented for in the vast majority of pediatric surgical procedures with evidence base and outcomes.
This book provides a case based approach to the problems faced within pediatric urology and an evidence based approach to their solutions.
This popular handbook is a practical guide for urologists and urologists in training.
This popular text was never intended to duplicate the large reference books written primarily for specialists.