Pocket Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery

Pocket Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery
Pocket Notebook
Rock G. Positano, Christopher DiGiovanni


Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This latest addition to the popular Pocket series is a go-to-resource for essential, up-to-date information for surgeons, podiatrists, and residents presented in a concise, quick-to-grasp format. With its compact size--perfect for taking home, on the ward, in your office--Pocket Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery addresses common disorders and conditions you'll encounter in a clinical setting. You'll find contributions from nearly 40 experts in both podiatry and orthopaedic surgery, as well as radiology, critical care, anesthesia, and other relevant fields. The ideal portable quick-reference for fast, effective musculoskeletal diagnosis and care! Developed and formatted for quick and easy reference on the go--use with patients in a clinical setting or anywhere you need to get access to the information you need! Focuses on common, everyday issues such as nerve damage and neuropathy, arthritis, fractures and trauma, and other conditions. Comprehensive in coverage of pathology and anatomy, biomechanics, gait analysis, imaging, infectious diseases, and more. Includes only the most up-to-date surgical techniques and procedures. Features a dedicated section on sports medicine disorders and injuries, such as Achilles Heel stress fractures, and tendonitis. Content covers principles and treatment for both adults and children.

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