Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Clear, concise, and complete with more than 100 board-style review questions, Blueprints Pediatrics delivers a succinct, “need-to-know” review perfect for a pediatrics rotation and exams. This thoroughly revised, updated, full-color edition makes clerkship and exam preparation more approachable than ever. Engaging narratives guide students through each chapter accompanied by robust learning features, clinical vignettes, and UMSLE-style review questions with complete answers and rationales to reinforce key points.
Thoroughly reviewed by students who recently passed the boards, this book is perfect for use during clerkships, board, shelf, or end–of–rotation exam review.
Blueprints Pediatrics 4e + Blueprints Clinical Cases Ped 2e Pkg
The book also features appendices on opportunities in pediatric critical care, a question and answer review, and suggested additional reading. Blueprints Pocket Pediatric ICU is perfect for medical students.
This edition has been completely updated while maintaining its succinct, organized, and concise style. 100 USMLE-style multiple-choice questions with full explanations Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize important information ...
This edition has been reorganized to follow the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine guidelines and includes thoroughly updated content and additional tables and figures.
Written by residents and faculty, this series prepares you for even the most complex cases. 50 Symptom based clinical cases provide comprehensive USMLE review Built-in thought questions help you learn to diagnose using the critical thinking ...
This edition has been thoroughly updated and significantly expanded, with more detail and depth of coverage, additional tables and figures, and case studies.
Blueprints For Your POCKET With Blueprints for your pocket , you get all the information you need for specialty rotations in a convenient pocket - size . Each book features : Blueprints Urology Marking Zevine Blueprints Pediatric ...
Pocket-sized and practical, this book will cover the most common conditions students are likely to encounter. It focuses on the essential content students need to know during a rotation allowing for a fast, easy read.
Pocket-sized and practical, this book will cover the most common conditions students are likely to encounter. It focuses on the essential content students need to know during a rotation allowing for a fast, easy read.