Use these unique science prompts to help transform five minutes of class time into engaging writing opportunities. You will also address NGSS and ELA CCSS as you explore topics in physical, life, and earth science and engineering design through writing prompts. Each topic includes a K-2 and 3-5 writing prompt, a science refresher, and strategies for developing science and engineering practices, plus digital and print resources to supplement science instruction. Students in grades K-5 exercise their mental muscles as they work individually, in pairs, or as a collaborative team on prompts that support your standards-based lessons. Whether your students are working to save endangered ecosystems, investigating distant constellations, creating unusual animals, or constructing a design solution, these diverse and creative prompts will have students look forward to the part of the day when they're asked to "Take Five!" for science. The 150 prompts establish the learning environment each day from the minute that students step into the class. Each science topic includes: ready-to-use prompts for physical, life, and earth science and for engineering design; correlations to NGSS and ELA CCSS; science background refreshers; strategies for science and engineering practices; supply lists for prompts and practices; additional digital and print resources; assessment options; and rubrics. Begin every day of the school year with a burst of writing in the science discipline with this comprehensive and fun resource. Ready? Set? Take 5!
Here are 50 awesome experiments that demonstrate the principles behind the 34 greatest scientific breakthroughs in human history. The wheel—astound friends with an experiment that seems to defy the laws of gravity.
Who was the first woman to serve as U.S. National Security Advisor? 2. In what year was Jackie Robinson elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame? a. 1947 b. 1949 c. 1962 3. What was the Underground Railroad? 4. Reverend Martin Luther King ...
Kaye Hagler's unique bell-ringers for language arts help you transform the first chaotic five minutes of class into authentic opportunities to practice critical-thinking skills while also addressing the Common Core State Standards and ...
István Hargittai tells the story of this remarkable group: Wigner won a Nobel Prize in theoretical physics; Szilard was the first to see that a chain reaction based on neutrons was possible, initiated the Manhattan Project, but left ...
... science and engineering majors are separated from those planning arts majors. Stu- dents are often further sorted by ability levels within each course. About two-thirds of the students take academic-general courses, one-quarter take ...
... take any courses of interest to him in this group of electives. The public ... 5 in Spanish, and 5 credits to be selected from Art, Drama, Music ... Science (the US Political system), 5 from History (US history) and 10 credits selected ...
100 double sided Cornell Notes pages for note taking (200 pages total)Based on Cornell Note Taking System8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm)Cornell note taking style includes sections on each page for: 1.
... science objectives and validation results. The more than 1000 users who downloaded SPOT4/TAKE5 or SPOT5/TAKE5 ... (Take 5): simulation of Sentinel-2 time series on 45 large sites. Remote Sens. 7, 12242–12264 (2015) 2. Houpert, L.: Take ...
This book provides guidelines for practicing design science in the fields of information systems and software engineering research.
Most prompts allow students to write or draw their responses in their journals. ... large X on a page in their journal. Though the prompts are quick writes, suitable for a small amount of time each day, writing guides are also provided.