Create a vibrant writing classroom! Take 5! for Language Arts: Writing that builds critical-thinking skills supports K-2 students who are just beginning to grasp the elements of writing. This resource will help you introduce students to the writing process through mini-lessons and daily writing prompts. Writing prompts support writing and drawing exercises in engaging ways that relate to content and are within the framework of college and career readiness standards. They also provide support on the different writing purposes: informative, opinion, narrative, and descriptive writing. This resource is filled with diverse prompts that will have students looking forward to the part of the day when they're asked to "Take 5!" for language arts. Each ready-to-use prompt includes corresponding standards, supply lists, language arts links, teacher tips, assessment options, rubrics, digital connections and resources, and opportunities for teacher-modeled writing and independent writing activities. Begin every day of the school year with a burst of critical thinking and fun with this comprehensive resource. Ready? Set? Take 5!
Kaye Hagler s unique bell-ringers for language arts help you transform the first chaotic five minutes of class into authentic opportunities to practice critical-thinking skills.
The most similar resource to this book of lesson plans is the authors' first book, Linking Picture Books to Standards. This new book has the same format, but focuses on upper- level picture books and activities.
Resources in this book include: An easy-to-understand explanation for each Common Core standard in your child’s grade level, plenty of practice activities so your child can review and improve each Common Core skill, and fun extension ...
In this movie, a rabbit named Judy Hopps leaves her small town to pursue her dream of becoming a police officer in the big city of Zootopia. She meets a fox named Nick Wilde who at first is a con artist who makes her life difficult.
This is a perfect supplement to any classroom language arts curriculum. The book covers 40 weeks of daily practice. It includes 4 comprehension writing exercises a day for four days a week.
You need to design a home strong enough to withstand a powerful hurricane. There are two main dangers to homes during a hurricane: storm surges and wind damage. A storm surge is a wall of water pushed by wind that moves onto land.
This comprehensive workbook doesn’t stop with focused practice–it encourages children to explore their creative sides by challenging them with thought-provoking writing projects.
There are five books in all, and each is the only book you need for each main subject taught in middle school: Math, Science, American History, English Language Arts, and World History.
An answer key is included in the back of the workbook to track your child’s progress and accuracy. Practically sized for every activity.
Spectrum(R) Language Arts and Math: Common Core Edition for Kindergarten helps parents understand Common Core standards and helps students master Common Core skills.