*** New-1st Release-(April 2014)-I just want to say this is not the actual Heaven is for Real book-I made it look similar, so you would know the book is in reference. I will also share with you my own NDE (Near Death Experience) in detail. I only share this, because it has a whole lot to do with what I believe Colton Burpo actually experienced.These are Colton Burpo's own words from a live TV interview that was videotaped and archived, so there can be no denying its truth. You can go view the video for yourself so you don't have to take anyone else and their word for it. I will provide a link at the bottom of this page.Marilyn Hickey, asked Colton, “Did you see God when you were in Heaven (Hickey, 2011)?”Colton Burpo said, “Um, I did see God, but he pretty much looked like Gabriel he was just a larger version (Hickey, 2011).”Todd Burpo abruptly intervenes and Colton quickly looks to his dad and his dad (with what some may perceive as leading) says, “A much larger version…right (Hickey, 2011)?”19:20 min into 28 min video. Colton says, “But, what Gabriel and God looked like is they had yellow hair that went down to their shoulders, um blue eyes, a really bright smile, a golden sash, white robes, but God's wings were the biggest. See those wings and you'd be amazed.Okay look at this, another interview where Colton says that he didn't even see God's face he was so big. So, did he see God's face, or didn't he see God's face?10:20 into the video (Host): “You were meeting a lot of nice people, weren't you (Colton shakes his head) and then Jesus and God? Tell us about Jesus, tell us about God that you remember.”Colton: “Well, with Jesus, he has a rough kind face….”(Host): “In the book, you don't spend a lot of time describing God, but you simply said he is big”Colton: “Big”Host): “And that was your impression, I mean do you, did you remember any facial characteristics, or were you that close to him?”Colton: “Um, you really couldn't see his face since he was so big, but he was just this huge angel with massive wings.”Colton actually says that the paperback (trade) book, “Heaven is for Real” is his dad's story, his dad' book, but the Heaven is for Real kid's version is his story. The host of Praise the Lord on TBN was talking to Colton about the kid's book version of Heaven is for Real and how it has its own rackspace and display in the store.About 48:15 min into the interview (Praise the Lord Host): “This is kinda like your book, a chance for you to express. Talk to me about this book.”Colton, “Well, the kids book it's more for kids, it has a lot of pictures in there, but the trade book (looked towards his dad kinda matter-fact-attitude) was more my dad's story. Now, the kid's book is my story... So, it gives you more of an insight on what Heaven is.” Click the links to go to the videosHickey, M. (2011, October 19). Special Guest: Todd and Colton Burpo Pt 1 . Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj453r_hstYhttp://www.itbn.org/index/detail/lib/Networks/sublib/TBN/ec/pkOTIwMzrpQZMrL1fvUXE5_UK2dXuFB7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gUE9l0r5gk
Thomas Nelson is a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. The publisher would like to extend thanks to Phil Harris for his assistance in preparing this manuscript. The publisher would also like to thank Dawn Sherill and Brenda Noel of ECHO ...
Why should we care about heaven? -- What is heaven like? -- When does a person go to heaven? -- Where is heaven? -- Who goes to heaven?
W Publishing is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson. Author is represented by the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Thomas Nelson titles may be purchased in ...
Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Author is represented by the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, ...
In an effort to reach even more families with this eternally significant story, this runaway bestseller is now told from Colton-kid to kids!
Tommy Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Author is represented by the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, www.alivecommunications.com.
HEAVEN IS SO REAL! by Choo Thomas Published by Charisma House A Strang Company 600 Rinehart Road Lake Mary, Florida 32746 www.charismahouse.com This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, ...
The New York times best selling book, "Heaven Is for Real" outlines the tale of four year old Colton Burpo's emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix and the startling revelations that followed.
Colton Burpo tinha quatro anos quando foi operado de urgência.
Yet, the veracity of the story's details have not been fully examined, not until now. Is the heart of the Burpos' story a contradiction or inconsistent at best? Does each new version of the story question that before it?