Investigating her family history, Molly slips into a world of magic Backstage at a vaudeville in Oakland, California, a reporter sits down for an interview with Callan Allalie, patriarch of a family of traveling magicians. As the journalist asks his questions, Callan’s sisters dazzle him with tricks too delicate for the stage. The night quickly whirls out of control as all manner of untold magic warps the writer’s mind, and the next morning, he can’t be sure that he witnessed it at all. Sixty years later, a private detective confronts Molly, the last descendent of the Allalie clan, to ask questions about one of Callan’s sisters, who seemed to vanish after the performance in Oakland. As Molly delves into the mysteries of the Allalies, she discovers a connection to a shadowy organization of nineteenth-century mystics—and a family secret that will change the way she looks at the world forever.
Lauren Artress reintroduces the ancient labyrinth, a walking meditation that trancends the limits of still meditation, and shows us the possibilities it brings for renewal and change.
Discover the use of the labyrinth as a spiritual tool -- used throughout the centuries in many different cultures -- to find meditation, focus, peace, and wholeness.
With practical advice, spiritual wisdom, and helpful resources, Exploring the Labyrinth is the complete guide to this ancient, transformative tool.
This guide explains how the labyrinth is a symbol that transcends traditions, and how walking its path brings us together.
A Practice as Compared to a Discipline a Walking the labyrinth is a practice , not necessarily a discipline . ... In fact , the discipline that their practice teaches helps quiet their mind throughout the walk , whereas others who have ...
This guide explains how the labyrinth is a symbol that transcends traditions, and how walking its path brings us together.
The New Testament gospel of John is used as a framework. The book is useful for any spiritual director retreat director or individuals interested in spiritual transformation and healing.
Brings back the ancient tool of using labyrinths into modern day-consciousness and identifies how the practice can be used to bolster creativity, gain access to intuition, and achieve a deeper spirituality.
With great anticipation, Chris Farrow-Noble sets out one January 1st to walk a labyrinth every day for one year and to record each day's experience.
"Praying the Labyrinth" is a journal that leads readers into a spiritual exercise of self-discovery through a labyrinth, including scripture selections, journaling questions, and poetry, with generous space for personal reflection.