This book lies at the intersection of Civil War history and the history of American literature. Rogers challenges prevailing assumptions about the nature of Southern identity during the American Civil War and describes an important period in the life of William Gilmore Simms, one of nineteenth-century America's most widely read authors.
These works provide a valuable insight into how a prominent southern intellectual interpreted and participated in these momentous events in U.S. history. In the decades following the Civil War, Simms's reputation suffered a steady decline.
... 16; George H. Miles, ''God Save the South,'' in ibid., 12; Wilson, Patriotic Gore, 59. 51. ''Song Writing,'' Southern Punch, March 19, 1864, 7. Brander Matthews, Pen and Ink, 172–73. 52. Holmes, ''Poetry of the War.
An anthology of Thomas Wolfe's short stories, novel excerpts, and plays illuminating the Civil WarThis collection of Thomas Wolfe's writings demonstrates the centrality of the Civil War to Wolfe's literary...
The Immoderate Past closes with a consideration of the extent to which southern novelists have persisted in using time as a major dimension in their fiction, whereas time has tended to be displaced by space in the standard American novel.
black man about the plight of black men in the postwar South, but given to him to say by a white female author who ... The tables are turned then: black lynch mobs hunt down white men, and black women demand and receive money from ...
In this book, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer explores the manifold ways in which the Civil War changed the United States forever. He confronts its costs, not only human (six hundred...
His exploration centers on the lives and works of three of the most important writers of the pre-Civil War South: Poe, William Gilmore Simms, and Henry Timrod.
This book is the first omnibus history of the literature of the American Civil War, the deadliest conflict in US history.
Wilson wrote from the point of view of one at once appalled and fascinated by what he interpreted as a national mania ... Whether or not Sir Walter Scott induced the disease of “ jejune romanticism ” in the receptive South , as Mark ...
REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Appel, Alfred, Jr. (1965) A Season of Dreams: The Fiction of Eudora 'Welty. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State ... Kreyling, Michael (1980) Eudora Welty's Achievement of Order. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State ...