This book offers a concise interpretation of how food and agriculture are connected. The chapters treat specific crops or livestock types from the point of view of both production and consumption, highlighting the changes that have taken place in both farming strategies and food preferences over the years.
With examples from Puerto Rico to Oregon to Quebec, this work offers a North American perspective attuned to trends toward globalization at the level of markets and governance and shows how globalization affects specific localities.
Land, livelihood, and lives are lost in an effort to keep up and break even. There is more to this story that affects both the food we eat and our provisions for the future.
Stamatakis, Emmanuel, Mark Hamer, and David W. Dunstan. “Screen-Based Entertainment Time, All-Cause Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events,” Journal of the American College of Cardiology 57 (January 2011): 292–299.
In Perilous Bounty, veteran journalist and former farmer Tom Philpott explores and exposes the small handful of seed and pesticide corporations, investment funds, and magnates who benefit from the trends that imperil us, with on-the-ground ...
“I enjoy my work; I am happy to work,” my friend and fellow farmer Casey Havre told me about her job certifying organic growers in California. Casey also runs the business side of the farm she and her husband, a fourth-gen- eration ...
Here is a how-to-do-it book for local historians, whether beginners or seasoned veterans. It leads the local historian through the major sources and suggests appropriate techniques for researching and writing...
Did You Know? This book is available as a Wiley E-Text. The Wiley E-Text is a complete digital version of the text that makes time spent studying more efficient.
Take a fresh look at what you put on the table with The Founding Farmers Cookbook: 100 Recipes for True Food & Drink, from one of America’s most popular and sustainable restaurants.
... Part 1, Volume 1, Hearing, 86th Cong., 1st sess., June 22, 23, 1959, 100. 19. Willard F. Mueller and Norman R. Collins, “Grower-Processor Integration in Fruit and Vegetable Marketing,” Journal of Farm Economics 39 (Dec.
If you run a farm, own a food business, are a sustainable food and community activist, or care about the quality of your food . . . this book shows you the women who are changing the food and farming industry for the better--and how you can ...