Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement

Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement
Integrated Marketing Communication
Language Arts & Disciplines
Lexington Books
Jeanne M. Persuit, Christina L. McDowell Marinchak


Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a holistic approach to the areas of advertising, public relations, branding, promotions, event and experiential marketing, and related fields of strategic communication. Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement explores how IMC can open up spaces for engagement in our classrooms and our communities. The breadth of the contributors is in the spirit of IMC, examining public and private sector organizations that offer products and services while relying on various methodologies and theoretical approaches, with particular emphasis on rhetoric, philosophy of communication, qualitative research, and historical perspectives in IMC. Moreover, each chapter considers IMC from a different communicative perspective, including strategic communication, philosophy of communication, rhetorical theory, health communication, crisis and risk communication, communication theory, and mass communication.

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