This study examines the acquisition and use of texts by the parish clergy in a late medieval German diocese. The author identifies a broad theological awareness and an emerging professional identity among the clergy, upending traditional views and contributing to our understanding of their role as communicators and cultural mediators.
32 “Antrittsrede des Professors der schönen Wissenschaften,” 350. 33 Matthew Wranovix, Priests and Their Books in Late Medieval Eichstätt (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017), 67–100. 34 For this section, see Forster, Catholic Germany, ...
Still, there is enough procedural information to understand how irregular unions or disputed marriage claims fared when ... Matthew Wranovix, Priests and Their Books in Late Medieval Eichstätt (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017) xiv n.
This is not to imply that no one before James or Giles had a concept of the Church,35 nor that James or Giles consciously sat down to write ecclesiology. As a term, “ecclesiology” dates ... Henry Chadwick, The Church in Ancient Society.
Stephan Kuttner and J. Joseph Ryan (Vatican City: S. Congregatio de seminariis et studiorum universitatibus, 1965), 399–414, at 410–12; and, for a German example, Matthew P. Wranovix, Priests and their Books in Late Medieval Eichstätt ...
... of Assisi Reconsidered Kenneth Baxter Wolf REFORMING MARY Changing Images of the Virgin Mary in Lutheran Sermons of the Sixteenth Century Beth Kreitzer EMPIRE OF SOULS Robert Bellarmine and the Christian Commonwealth Stefania Tutino ...
Ownership and Mortal Sin at the Origins of the Observant Movement James D. Mixson ... The support of the German Academic Exchange Service; the Heckman scholars program of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library; and the Research Advisory ...
M. P. WRANOVIX, Parish Priests and Their Books: Reading, Writing, and Keeping Accounts in the Late Medieval Diocese of Eichstätt, Yale 2007. 274 WENDEHORST, Das Bistum Eichstätt, S. 212. 275 Handschriftliches Exemplar der ...
Wranovix, Matthew P.: Parish Priests and Their Books: Reading, Writing and Keeping Accounts in the Late Medieval Diocese of Eichstätt. Diss. Yale 2008. Wranovix, Matthew P.: Ulrich Pfeffel's Library: Parish Priests, Preachers, and Books ...
MICHAEL BASSE, Von den Reformkonzilien bis zum Vorabend der Reformation (Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen II/2), Leipzig 2008. 2 JOSEPH LORTZ, Wie kam es zur Reformation? Ein Vortrag, Einsiedeln 1950, 4. Aufl.
Berchtold Scholl, chaplain to Unternzenn near Windsheim, explained later how he joined the peasants against his will. threatening his “life, limbs, and property,” armed peasants demanded he read the mass in German, preach the new ...