Tears of the Innocent

Tears of the Innocent
Xlibris Corporation
Ugomma Ngozi


Written for You the Bible quotations in this book are from the King James Version. Unfortunately, we are living in the last days, also known as the days of famine or the days of tribulations and afflictions. These are the days when parents no longer see or think of the importance of their children's future. We are living in the days when children no longer see the significance of their parents. We are living in the days when our friends and families have more important things to do than to love and care for us. Most people consider these days to be the worst days of their lives. As for me, I consider it to be the best rather than the worst days of our lives. the Bible says in Psalm 27:10, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will care for me." This is the best days of our lives because in God, we have better parents, a better friend, and a trustworthy companion. This is a story of a girl's life, which started tragically and went downhill from there. Although as a little girl, she was forced to go to church by her families like most families today do with their children. After all the tribulations and pains she went through and how things turned out for her, she decided to give her life to the one she believed could carry her through it all. She gave her life to Jesus Christ. the purpose of this book is to encourage, aspire, inspire, and also help most--if not all--of our children, preteens, young adults, and parents in making the right decisions no matter the tribulations you should be passing through. to see what giving your life to God can really do for you, this book tells you the tragedies this young girl passed through. Read the second part of this book titled the Joy of Hannah (forthcoming), and from this you would see how the many ways on how passing through the difficulties of life while in the hands of God can deliver you.

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