The Green Revolution Delusion is a fictional depiction of a real life drama that is playing out daily where ever industrial agriculture is practiced. In two generations agriculture has been changed radically. What was once a biological process driven by sunshine and rainfall and a prime generator of wealth has become, in many cases, an unsustainable industrial process dependent upon ever increasing inputs of energy and capital. This story is illustrated through the lives of several individuals and their families from the 19th century to the present day. Includes supplementary materials about the issue of modern agriculture.
Part of a two-volume boxed set with the common title: Faciliating innovation for development : a RAAKS resource box
Technology, Food Safety, and the Environment Thomas R. DeGregori ... Nelson , Buck R. 1977. ... Nortier , J. L. , M.-C. Muniz Martinez , H. H. Schmeiser , V. M. Arlt , C. A. Bieler , M. Petein , M. F. Depierreux , L. De Pauw ...
The system of peasant innovation. Principles supporting peasant innovation. Biogas-a case study. Diffusion methods among peasants. Conclusions: innovative forms of non-formal education and methodology transfer.
Todo moderno: significados de la modernización en la Sierra colombiana
Success Factors in New Land-based Industries
Understanding why Farmers Change Their Farming Practices: The Role of Orienting Principles in Technology Transfer
The Socio-Technical Networks of Technology Users' Innovation in New Zealand: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Reiff (1996), meanwhile, refers to Mathes and Stevenson's (1976) and Locker's (1992) discussions about audience in professional communication as opportunities for surfacing the values that are privileged in Western writing (p. 420).
Impact of Irrigation and Labor Availability on Multiple Cropping: A Case Study of India