Pink! is a heartwarming story about learning to be different. Patrick wakes up one morning to find he’s turned pink overnight. But boys can’t be pink! Rejected by his friends, poor Patrick runs away in search of new pink playmates. He crosses oceans where he finds some pink flamingos, but will he ever fit in with them? Patrick soon learns that friendship is never black and white, but that real friends will accept you just as you are.
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In this richly illustrated homage to the color, artist Kaye Blegvad explores its significance across history and cultures, from gender connotations to product marketing, symbols and iconography, and more.
With simple, relatable text, playful illustrations, and audio accompaniment, this kindly cautionary tale will charm enthusiasts of all colors of the rainbow.
Vivi, who lives in a big brown building and whose father is a truck driver, saves her money to buy a bride doll in a dress of perfect glistening pink, which she desperately wants, until she makes an unexpected discovery.
or Shoot Out The Lights, those classic, uncompromisingly honest LP-portrayals of marriage breakdowns by, respectively, ... and being faced with the bitter truth: her other half would only be able to love her “when I'm gone” (although in ...
Add to existing title list in the series Color My World
This carefully crafted story about Rosie will provide clear support to the novice reader.
Jo B. Paoletti's journey through the history of children's clothing began when she posed the question, "When did we start dressing girls in pink and boys in blue?
Surely he wouldn't still be in the office—not with Mr. Mack standing on the stage, ready to address the student body. ... But Mr. Henderson apparently thought the students needed to hear more on the subject of vandalism.
This beautifully illustratedvolume explores thecultural history, especiallyin fashion, of the colorpink from the 18thcentury to today.