*** NOW NUMBER 1 BEST SELLER IN CATEGORY! *** Companion Planting Resource For Vegetable Growers (2nd Edition) Companion planting, is something that goes hand-in-hand with organic growing methods, raised bed gardening and container gardening; and is something that every gardener should pay close attention to, if they want to get the best out of their crops without having to resort to using chemical fertilizers or pest control methods. Even if 'Organic growing' is not your thing, nevertheless companion planting should still be of interest, as it is all about getting the best out of your vegetable patch with regards to quality and quantity - and usually for very little effort on your part! UPDATED/EXPANDED VERSION INCLUDING 15 EXTRA PAGES! Introduction to Companion Planting Vegetables: Find out just what exactly companion planting is all about and how it can help in your efforts to grow healthy organic food for the family. The History of Companion Planting: The idea of growing vegetables together that will enhance and improve crops is nothing new! Since the beginning of time our ancestors have taken advantage of this system, and benefited greatly from it. 5 Good Reasons For Companion Planting: If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of Companion Planting then check out these great reasons to get involved. The influence of Allelopathy: The ally what now! Find out just what alleopathy is all about and how it is fundamental to the success of your vegetable growing. Why Plants Grow Well Together: There are many reasons why plants benefit from the close companionship of others. Here you will find out more details of this fascinating relationship - and how you can benefit from it. Plants That Grow Well Together: Plants that make good companions when it comes to insect or disease control. Quick reference companion planting chart See at a glance what makes for a good or a bad companion for your vegetables. Plants That Do Not Grow Well Together: These are some plants that you definitely do not want to grow in close proximity to one another. Nutrition is the main factor with this category of veggies. Beneficial Herbs: Growing herbs in close proximity to your vegetables can be a great way to control destructive garden pests. Top 5 Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening: Raised Bed and Square Foot Gardening in particular, really benefit from this organic gardening concept. Here are the top 5 benefits (there are many more) of Raised Bed to consider. Top 5 Benefits of Container Gardening: Only got a small space for gardening? No worries - some of the benefits and ideas to use when gardening space is at a premium. Creating An Organic Compost: Creating a good growing medium with the help of nutritious garden compost is essential when trying to grow great quality veggies. Here are simple instructions for making your own fantastically effective compost. The Vegetable Growers Guide to Companion Planting: The Role of Flowers Herbs & Organic Thinking.